Thursday, April 8, 2010

Killler dream team grafix, logos, and daydreams...

killer dreamsetThe  original At-At(all terrain-  armored transport) is a photo I found floating on the net... Some kid had graffitied up his toy.. I added on the K.D. logo, making it the beast's shell. Background flick is a very beautiful sunrise shot I took of Ports- o' -call village right here in Pedro.  neon and black

warholwarhol1)Photo I took of an Andy Warhol poster that had been glued up in D.T.L.A. \Result:killer warhol Last but not least...a virtual diorama of sorts... a cartoon view of what life can and is like in the city of angel's..fisheyed riverA cameo by the aforementioned AT-AT and a special guest appearance by Raul "Spew" Vasquez ... More on ol' spewer soon... here are a few "B-SIDES"- Panoramaghostspew eye of god look into my eyez... (note the eyes)

1 comment:

  1. I really would like a copy. How is spew? -Banana
